Shawn Killinger from QVC Wiki: Cancer, New Baby, Age, Salary, Net Worth, Husband Joe Carretta
• Shawn Killinger is a journalist, reporter, TV anchor and media personality
• Born in Detroit, Michigan and studied at Penn State University
• Worked for CBS Television Network, WUHF-TV, WKMG-TV, and QVC
• Competed on NBC's reality game show The Apprentice: Martha Stewart
• Married to Joseph Carretta with one adopted daughter and two step sons
Who is Shawn Killinger?
Shawn Killinger is quite a multitalented persona – she is not only a journalist and reporter, but a TV anchor as well as a media personality, probably best known for being the program host of the American network specializing in television home shopping broadcasts named QVC. However, besides this, Shawn is also widely recognized for being a former contender in the NBC’s reality game show named “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart”.
Shawn Killinger’s Early Life and Education
Shawn Elizabeth Killinger was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio on the 2nd November 1979, in Detroit, Michigan, USA and apart from obviously being of American nationality, she is also of white ethnicity. Due to the nature of her father’s occupation, at the age of 11 her family moved to Mexico City, Mexico, where she spent the next four years, during which she mastered the Spanish language. Further details about her family’s background haven’t been publically disclosed to the present day. Upon matriculating from the International American School Foundation, Killinger enrolled at Penn State University. Prior to graduating from PSU with a Bachelor of Arts degree in marketing, Shawn also spent some time in Europe where she worked within the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
Shawn Killinger’s Career
Upon returning to the States and graduating, Shawn settled in New York City where she started to pursue a career in broadcasting. The first step in journalism occurred when she joined the CBS Television Network, where she spent the next two years, serving as a reporter for its programs such as “The Late Show with David Letterman”, “CBS 60 Minutes”, and the “Evening News with Dan Rather” as well. She then transferred to Rochester, New York, to the FOX Network’s affiliated TV station the WUHF-TV for which she worked as its general assignment reporter. Shawn also honed her reporting skills through a variety of engagements for several other television stations, including the CBS’ affiliate WKMG-TV in Albany, New York, and Orlando, Florida, as well as through serving as the co-anchor of the CBS’ Channel 6 morning news broadcast.
However, to a greater prominence Shawn Killinger came in 2005, when she was selected as one of 16 competitors, out of tens of thousands nationwide, to appear in the NBC’s reality TV series “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart”. The show was about business tycoon Martha Stewart, and focused on the culinary arts, the media, entertaining, design and style, showing her quest to find her perfect apprentice from the 16 candidates, split in two teams and competing against each other, with the task of fulfilling the various weekly quests. Shawn Killinger was dismissed after the third week of the show, allegedly due to her saying “Fake it ’til you make it” which displeased Martha Stewart. Although she was fired from the show empty handed, this venture has helped Shawn Killinger to significantly raise her popularity.
In 2007, Killinger joined one of the USA’s leading flagship shopping channels – the cable, satellite and broadcast television network giant QVC. Ever since, she has mastered the art of live entertainment and engagement, and become one of the company’s cover faces. She is currently widely recognized for her daily on-camera appearances, during which she hosts a four-hour live yet unscripted TV shopping broadcast, managing to entertain a huge audience which results in recording QVC’s annual sales worth millions of dollars.
Although media’s attention was caught by rumors that Shawn Killinger is suffering from a cancer, those quotes were never officially confirmed. However, it has been publically acknowledged by some sources that her father was diagnosed with cancer, but has managed to beat the disease.
Shawn Killinger’s Personal Life
Curious about Shawn’s private life and her marital status, aren’t you? Well, Killinger is a married woman – since 2013 she has been married to American businessman and professional consultant Joseph ‘Joe’ Carretta who is currently the Executive Director of the Sunrise Senior Living, the fifth largest assisted living provider in the states. The couple met on a dating site and soon after began their relationship which was crowned with what appears to be a happy marriage. However, they were not fortunate enough to welcome their own children, as Shawn suffered a miscarriage back in 2014, so they decided to adopt a baby girl in 2017. With her husband and their child alongside Joe’s two sons from his previous affairs, Shawn Killinger currently resides in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Apart from being a successful reporter and television host, Killinger is also known for being a philanthropist – since 2008 she has been actively involved within the Make-A-Wish Foundation, serving as its “Wish Granter” for children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
Shawn Killinger’s Salary & Net Worth
Have you ever wondered how much wealth this popular American broadcaster has accumulated so far? How rich Shawn Killinger is? Although the exact amount of her wealth hasn’t been publically disclosed yet, it is estimated authoritatively that the total of Shawn Killinger’s net worth, as of late 2018, is over $1 million, while annual income is estimated at $115,000, acquired through her professional on-camera reporting and journalism career, that now spans almost two decades.
What a #gorge night to rock a #maxi & #accessorize!! Oh you need great shoes too!! ( @qvc #qvc
— Shawn Killinger (@ShawnQVC) April 25, 2015
In the early 2015, alongside the American fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi, Killinger became a victim of various online communities, and their laughing stock for not being particularly familiar with the Moon. Namely, the two debated whether the Moon is a star or a planet for a while before they got the information that the Moon is actually the Earth’s natural satellite.
Shawn Killinger Appearance and Social Media Presence
Shawn sports a toned body with a height of 5ft 5ins (1.65 m) and weight of around 110lbs (50 kgs), while her vital statistics are 33-24-33 which, in addition to her short blonde hair, make her appearance quite alluring and camera friendly.
This 39-year-old American TV personality is also regularly active on several popular social media networks, such as Instagram where her official account @shawnkillingerqvc has amassed a total of almost 68,000 fans and followers. She was also quite active on Twitter ’til 2015, where she was followed by over 10,000 people.
Shawn Killinger was born in 1972 not 1979. She graduated from Penn State around 1994. During one of her shows in Oct of last year; she mentioned her age as 45. In early Nov, she turned 46.
This is not a reply but I love all the hosts except Shawn!! She acts as though she’s better than everyone. The hosts always dress appropriately and modestly but I watched her last night and was in awe that she was wearing a jumpsuit with no straps. At least throw a shaw on!!! Definitely not classy!!!
Agree 100%. I never liked her from day one. Kind stand offish and conceited. The least I like among the QVC hosts. I switch channel when she’s on.
Totally agree. What is the little blond host who looks like the character from Frozen? She was so friendly and natural, and QVC fired her alongside Antoinella, and others. Many of the host I do not like, especially Shawn!L
The one I can’t stand is Jen Coffee. She is so fake acting and her hair runs me crazy.
I switch channels when she’s on too! Shawn also when wearing her glasses needs to either put them on or take them off. She’s seems to vain to wear them. Shawn is always looking over the top of her glasses. JUST TAKE THEM OFF! Amy gets on my last nerve too!
Not to stick up for, or judge anyone, but when I started wearing glasses they were for reading, so I was constantly taking them off and putting them back on to read something, because I was far sighted and couldn’t read unless I had them on and couldn’t see farther away with them on
I refuse to watch her. Drives me crazy messing with those glasses.
Replying to the person who replied to Lisa. She can go to an optometrist and get fitted for one eye for reading. The other with no contact will be used for distance and the other eye fir reading. I was opposite and needed it for distance. So one eye contact for distance and none in the other. Took about 2 weeks to get used to depth like in grabbing a clothes line, but it was fine after that. No more bifocals or on and off with the classes
Agree – and she thinks she is sexy with her dirty blond hair hanging in her face. As soon as I realize she is the host, I turn it off. Same with Jane Tracy… and to add, she is no size ten.. maybe one butt check is a size 10, but she is wider than a pregnant cow!!!
I do the same switch when shes on & refuse to buy anything when shes on !!!!!! so soooo irritates me !!!!!!!! she thinks shes all that & a bag of chips !!!!!!! gerrrrrr she needs to GO !!!!!!!!!
Is Shawn stil on QVC??
I totally agree with you. I cannot, and do not, watch her when she’s on. You can tell that she’s acting for the camera, and her mode of dress now is unprofessional too!
Was reading about Shawn because I find her interesting and stubbled on to a bunch of mean spirited haters. Who on earth told you any of these people give two shits what you think about how they wear their glasses or their hair? I can assure you , they do not. I have a feeling your own ass size may be your real disappointment. When your a tv host , you can right all their wrongs . In the meantime, your permanently dented sofa cushions are missing you lol
Give me a break!!! A strapless jumpsuit,………Big Deal.!!! You sound like a judgemental prud e or extremely jealous. Shawn is an intelligent, educated, experienced professional. She always dresses fashionably and appropriate.
It just an opinion sweetheart! Chill out!
Shawn is great sweetheart! And you shouldn’t be so judgemental or a hater!
👏👏 Shawn is great! Geez why do theyhave to be haters. I love Shawn as well I think she is Hilarious.
Shawn is being Shawn she does a great job giving descriptions of the clothing so we the customers can make an informed decision! Some of you are just being picky! Your trying to “pick her a part”, yes it’s just an opinion, as was stated by someone, some opinions needs to be examined before we express them! Maybe your perfect in this imperfect world, we are all just trying to do our best! You don’t have to agree with every thing Shawn does she is payed to be confident!
Think about your true motives!
I agree Beth. The energy it takes to be so negative could be better spent in sharing just a little kindness and positivity. God knows we (this world) could use a little of that !
I like Shawn. My precious husband died last August and I discovered QVC and it sort of feels like company when she is on. She doesn’t put on a “show.” She is authentic and as kind of a person as you can be.I just read her bio, what a gal, what a life she has lived. I give her credit for putting up with the garbage people put out. But what good people say is far more important. I also most importantly love that she is a Christian and fairly often refers to her faith. You go girl!!!! I would love to have you for my daughter and or my very dear friend!!!! May our precious Heavenly Father continue to bless you and your family so richly and don’t quit your job Shawn. You really help fill the silence in my house and in my heart. Love you Shawn, Diane
No she does not always dress professionally. She looks like a bum most of the time!
I agree I think she is fabulous and I turn on the shopping Channel when she is on! If you do not like her then just don’t watch when she’s on, there’s plenty of hosts for everyone. You don’t need to be rude and post negative comments about her or anyone else for that matter. Take care of yours, I’m pretty sure she has hers taken care of already!
I agree completely! DONT watch if you don’t like her. I think she’s great! I’d love to be her girlfriend and hang out and have a few glasses of wine. She seems like she’s fun. I can’t stand haters! Picking on her appearance. (Jumpsuit/glasses) I bet they’re no bargain. Pisses me off. They keep her for a reason. She does something right.
I think she is very pretty. Very self confident. I love her personality !!!
Could it be some jealousy going on !
I agree with you,my question is why is she always propped up…leaning…sitting or lying down…..can’t she stand and act her age…..she’s not a teenager like she is acting like…..I never watch when she is hosting…..
Shawn is very good at what is required. Doesn’t act above anyone. Any on the other hand seems to want the camera on her. She makes sure to tell her size and to put clothes on to put the focus on her. Both are too old to just be starting a family. I agree wear the glasses or take them off completely. Love U Shawn! Best wishes!
Thanks for being positive! I don’t like haters who hate positive, attractive, helpful people! If they want to be negative they need to hate on the criminal, murder, or abusive shows! People 2020 was hard enough! Spread love, not hate! AND… Ladies, sometime there are medical reasons women can’t have children! Shame on you!
I never liked Shawn!
I can’t stand SK!!!
Turn the channel. She doesn’t s brigh and knowledgeable about her products. Not a show off like Amy Stran!
I agree
Geez get a grip, that’s what bothered you a little shoulder. Have you been watching what’s going on, twerking things etc all over regular broadcasting. Catch up please!
I know Im not a real Dhawn fan either and dhe dies have an about her that she is more knowledgeable,classy and wealthy than most others. That time she was so rude to Issac M. I will never forget how mean and rude she was to him. It was easy to see how hurt Issac was for a long while. Her husband runs a company cayering to seniors.
I totally agree. And she comes out in the worlds oddest outfits. Just not my cup of tea I guess.
I feel the same way. I felt it within 15 minutes she was on the air. Conceited, better than anyone else. Yes, wear the glasses correctly or ditch them. Carolyn is another one. Her and her squirrel! So immature! Ugh!
I’m not a SK fan at all. She just seems like a snob to me and the glasses have to go. Reading glasses would be much more attractive on her. Yes I too turn the channel when she is on. She needs to do something with her bangs while hosting because their always in her eyes and it’s annoying. She definitely needs to make some changes with her personality because being a snob doesn’t work on camera.
I love Carolyn and Shawn! I love squirrels. Real or plush! Seems like you don’t LOVE! You are a HATER! What a heavy heart you must have! Too bad QVC didn’t sell Hearts with Love inside of them! You need one!
oh please STOP if the show had an issue dont you think they would have had her change…how silly of you to go there ..but your entitled to your opinion and ive got one as well
I can’t stand Kirsten linguist. Not sure of spelling, but she shows her body any chance she gets. The only host that wears swimsuits . Plus she’s always looking at herself in the monitor. I change the channel.
I agree. She became very full of herself.
Why doesn’t she work in the shows with Isaac anymore?
Then she would be 48 if born in 72!
Geez Shawn give me a freaking break!! Ditch those OVERSIZED glasses you wear and eliminate the unnecessary intimacy-like delivery you have. Just promote the item and move on!!!
I miss Lisa Robertson. She brought a lot of class toQvc.
Shame Shawn is not hosting. Amy turns many off. Bring back Dhawn, she is easy to relate to
Is Shawn pregnant ?
No not pregnant
Well where is she?
Shawn is gorgeous. Please cut your hair short again . More becoming
Short sassy hair cut was more suited to your personality.
She drives me nuts constantly pulling her glasses off. Very distracting.
I agree with you Linda, but she is gorgeous with any style.
For all you haters, you don’t know a dam thing about how she is. My close friend has worked with Shawn for years through different jobs. Shawn is a sweet, selfless person that gives of her money but more importantly time. She is very involved with several Organizations and helps when asked and comes up with ways to promote and work these programs.
Several of you sound a bit jealous and use this to detract that she’s a wonderful and beautiful little spit fire. Go look in the mirror. BTW I was a psychologist and you guys are using the oldest trick in the book.
Congrats Shawn for the addition to your family. My children are also adopted. Enjoy every minute, it goes by fast.
I switch channels when she’s on too! Shawn also when wearing her glasses needs to either put them on or take them off. She’s seems to vain to wear them. Shawn is always looking over the top of her glasses. JUST TAKE THEM OFF! Amy gets on my last nerve too!
Carmen we are not discussing her philanthropic endeavors or her education. We are discussing her likability or lack there of on camera. Shawn does overstep her designer and vendor guest. She does like to be the center of attention, and appears to be conceited on CAMERA! No one is jealous of her, maybe of her salary!
In a word agree.
I understand your loyalty to Shawn. It’s admirable.
if you weren’t a “hater” yourself, and claim to have been (past tense, of course haha) a psychologist, step down from your soap box and stop judging all of us, so sure that we are all judging you. Your grammar, comma splices and tacky deflection are gag-inducing. Shawn is not reading your comments, “btw”. She is not on here looking for your replies to posts. Also, what is the “oldest trick in the book?” that youre talking about?
is anyone else concerned about this carmen person knowing way too much about a public figure…ive read some of ‘Carmen’s’ comments, and its getting weird…
Agree she is lovely but I like the short hair on her also
I loved her short haircut!
Shawn is refreshing. I enjoy her ability to be herself.she seems very favorite.great job.
I must be watching a different Shawn because I found her to be so conceited acting like she’s the best of them all. I switched channel whenever she’s on.
Shawn looks pregnant? Just wondering
If so I wish her and Joe all the best
Shawn is an engaging host! I do agree her hair looks best short & sassy! Admittedly Lisa Robertson was my favorite and I still miss seeing her on QVC.
I miss Lisa also who I think was the best of all of the hosts of QVC.
“SHAWN” Is the MOST . I love the way she takes her glasses off . {Attractive Woman} .
I enjoy watching her on QVC . MAN , this gal is totally ‘CHIC’ ……………………………………………….
I wish Shawn would not “oversell” what she is presenting. I have purchased several things based on her description only to realize she was “overselling” the item. I think she is too “cutesy”. Now when she is on I watch one of the other channels. All the other hosts are great and I look forward to their presentations.
Shawn is not a lawyer. she should stop saying “side bar” as she comes off phony and stupid.
she is doing what Lisa Robinson use to do; constantly looking at herself on camera.
Be yourself and stop with the phony crap.
Totally agree. My least favorite host.
Yes yes yes. Annoying use of the term!
To all the people that left negative comments, I agree with you 100%. This host is such a narcissist. It’s all about her, how she looks, dresses and talks. I also change the channel as soon as I know she’s coming on. This is one of the few hosts I really can’t stand. Why is she constantly looking/staring at herself in the monitors? Same with Lisa Robinson. That’s all these two do is stare at themselves, especially when a seller is talking about the item they are offering. It’s so obvious how bored these two hosts look when they aren’t interested in what they are presenting. All the more they keep checking themselves out. When I get email from QVC and it tells me about something I need to purchase, when I’m on the website and see that they were/are hosting the item, I refuse to buy it, no matter how bad I need it. I’m not putting money in their pockets from the sale and/or commission. That’s how much I can’t stand these women. Stop checking yourself out. Stop wearing clothes that are not age appropriate, and stop wearing ball gowns as Ms Robinson would wear. You ladies are not as attractive as you think you are. Get rid of them! Actually, I have not turned on QVC in a while now because of the two, and I might as well add Janes name to the list. All three, stop talking! Please! We don’t want to hear about your personally owned jewelry, how big your diamond ring is and your family. Please! Talk about the item at hand. I’ll shop on the website instead.
I cannot stand Jane. She looks and talks like an elf. I refuse to watch QVC when she is on.
You people are unbelievable! Superficial assholes
Stephanie, you spelled “im loving this gossip but pretending im better than everyone commenting by putting them down. even tho I know coming onto this website, im expecting to read trash” wrong.
HAHAHAHA thats SO true, tho!!!
The only host I tune in to see personally, is David. The others, I don’t care, because I’m watching for the items they are selling. Lisa Robinson is gorgeous, and she knew it, oh well. Shawn is nice looking, but fidgeting with her goofy glasses is annoying. Mary is sweet. Leah is very personable too. I would presume Rick Domeier to be a narcissist, perhaps even more so than any of the women. That said, I don’t know any of them on a personal level. They might be very different off screen. Shawn wrote a beautiful piece on her face book page about her father, who obviously just died. Her words were caring and heart felt. I cried, remembering the death of my own beloved father. We should refrain from passing judgement on those we don’t personally know.
Thank you Karen. She was off the air for so long because she personally took care of her dad during his last months.
Hope, did you hear Jane T. when she said “this would be great for a suite party!” (talking about, referring to a food item on Gourmet Holiday) I looked at my mom and said “mom, do you know what that means? a suite party?” and my mom was like, “no.” I said, “thats when someone rents a large suite at a really nice hotel and hosts a party in one or more of the top floor(s) of that hotel.” Girl was acting like its a regular thing “oh, this would be great for a suite party.” im still shocked about that. that comment isnt just beousgie, its very rude.
Maybe she means”side bar “ as in everybody drink!!!! Lighten up
She might mean “side bar, as in everybody drink!!!!! Lighten up!! I think she is s hoot!!!!
OMG- drives me crazy how she wears her glasses on the end of her nose and is always looking over her glasses ! Wear your glasses on the bridge of your nose where they belong !
Her clothes and hair always look horrible….and she needs to stop bragging about her “large” diamond.
Cannot even stand watching her- she is completely irritating….I have to change the channel when she is on…..uugggh !
I agree 100%.
I love Shawn. She’s my favorite. I detest Amy Stran, she wants all the attention and that squeaky voice drives me crazy. I change the station when she’s on.
I so agree! I have rrally tried to like her but I have failed.
that’s interesting that you said that. (“I have really tried to like her”), I have too, bc its not like she is rude or tacky, or anything. For some reason, though, I cant bring myself to ‘buy what she is selling.’ literally and figuratively . this is wild but…has anyone noticed her teeth? I feel they are late 80s ‘Martika, ‘ very “placed” coned porcelain s. and before anyone responds w some kind of “youre just jealous” or whatever, remember that yall are on this sight, too. it just blows my mind how some ppl are on here reading gossip and acting like we wild, but thats a whole nother thing. anyway, Tina, girl, agreed. I have really tried to like her and I dont dislike her, its not , like not a thing. idk what it is.
I agree. She drives me crazy..can’t watch her or Amy..they both want 1 man show..always looking in monitors..get rid of both of them..Will not watch them anymore
Has Shawn left QVC?
Hope so! Can’t stand her! Flip the channel whenever she comes on.
No, Shawn has not left QVC. Her Father is seriously ill. She is staying home to care for him & self-isolating so she will not do anything to jeopardize his health even more.
Prayers for the family
Totally agree. Many of these women are just Mean Girls i believe they have to put down others to feel good about themselves. SO Horribly Critical. Keep it to yourselves ladies ( and I use that term loosely)..👹 mean girls.
Try a little 🙏
I am also not a fan of her. She’s most arrogant and wears clothes that are way too tight for her figure. Upsizing is much more attractive. I don’t watch when she is hosting
I love Shawn! I watch QVC sometimes just to watch her! She’s funny and very entertaining. I’m missing her! Is she coming back? Did something happen to her or her family?
I miss her too. Hope her father gets well soon.
I love watching Shawn! I think she is such
a great host. She does an amazing job!
I am sure when she is on they sell a lot of the items.
I can’t believe what some of these people are saying.
Maybe they are just jealous!!!!!!! I have been watching for a long time and never had a problem with my items.
Where has she been? I miss seeing her. Have they announced it and I didn’t see it?
You took the words out of my mouth…I think she is beautiful, short hair or long hair…she’s attractive, sincere and is a great sales person….I firmly believe these people who are so negative are simply jealous…..these same people also put down Amy, who I think is totally darling…hope Shawn is ok and she I’d missed.
Shawnee is the best!!!!
I can’t stand her. She is hard to follow. I find her annoying. Never watch her!!
Amy is definitely the top host.
Missing Shawn. Where is she? A humorous delight. In the meantime, get Amy off the air, especially when shes selling Dooney. What an absolute side show. Not showing bags, because she wants it. REALLY. This person is 2 Needy & Greedy to be on the air. Bring Shawn back, & Jen Coffey tries too hard, not natural
Shawn is at home taking care of her ailing Father. She is self-isolating so she won’t jeopardize his health in anyway.
I was wondering where Shawn went away,was in Skype 2 weeks ago, but I watch qvc all day fir years. Lived the old q. The hosts had respect for the big timmers like izzac,basso, logo, these new girls talk to them like they are just great designers, they haven’t a clue. What I find the worst with Jen, Courtney, Amy, WAY TOO CONFUDENT ON AIR,NEED TO HUMBLE DOWN. YIU ARE WIRKING WITH ICONS THAT WERE HERE WAY BEFIRE U.
Right on sister. Can’t stand Jen, Courtney and Amy. All do fake ?
Go back to school and learn how to spell.
Oh so sorry but texting we all make boo boos, I find it si boring u have nothing better to do but comment on peoples spelling. My ohine doesn’t text well, cant get it fixed at this time. Man in the mirror!!
I’m not crazy, about her, either! BUT, read what you wrote!!!!!!!
Your spelling’s ATROCIOUS!!
Who taught you, to spell? WT…
IF… You’re going to make such derogatory comments… MAKE THEM, with CORRECT SPELLING!
Take a chill pill lady! I’ve looked back at phone messages and thought, “That’s not what I wrote!” Sometimes spellcheck wants to completely change a word that it “thinks” you were trying to spell. I guess you have never mistyped a word? We ALL have! As to Shawn, my one complaint is that she can’t speak a simple sentence without at least 1-2 “ums” in there someplace. I started counting once and stopped after she reached 25 because it was driving me crazy!
Oh you can criticize others but can’t take criticism for your poor spelling?! I am 66 years and I find all the hosts (including those most criticized) not only beautiful, cute, pretty, handsome, funny, entertaining, smart, intelligent HUMANS whom any time of night or day lift my spirits!!! I may be up in years but I will never understand the need to go on social media websites to put others down!! Having retired from the education system, elementary school level, I witnessed bullying as young as kindergarten. Are children naturally born cruel or is it the environment they are being raised in?! What ever happened to “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”! I loved loved loved Lisa Robertson! By the way, when she wore ball gowns she was usually in Italy or some other country selling ,expensive jewelry and since we aren’t her bosses we don’t know what the protocol was for dress attire. I hope all of you negative people aren’t treated as you seem to treat others!
Jen is so fake
Sean looks pregnant
I was wondering the same thing about Shawn, where is she, has she quit QVC? I completely agree about the glasses she seems to wear, either put them on or off, very annoying. She half the time looks like she doesn’t fix her hair, get a shorter cut if you don’t want to bother with it. She doesn’t seem like a host, she seems to have too much control like she can do or say whatever she thinks. Don’t try to be something you’re not.
Shawn hasn’t quit QVC. She’s at home helping to take care of her seriously ill Father.
For those of you who constantly bash her, give it a break. She’s really going through a difficult time right now & can use your prayers instead.
Amen and Amen , Haters going to hate. Proverbs 9:8 So don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you.But correct the wise and they will love you.
why are you on this website if youre judging all of us and what we are saying?! you know this is a gossip, sight, right? be real and stop trying to preach. youre taking in all of this talk, just like the rest of us. and you are loving it.
Give me a break! Difficult time!
We ALL go through difficult times!!
I lost a 22 year-old son!
Parents die, we all grow old! CHILDREN should NEVER die, before their children!
DIFFICULT TIME! I’m sure the money, she makes, soothes that “DIFFICULT TIME”! This is LAUGHABLE!!
dude, not kidding, her “fake it til you make it” comment IS what got her “let go.” You are right, it really is a shame. Martha Stewart, that girl she can do her, but let others do them. Like, how she going act like “fake it til you make it” isnt a thing. ppl always say that. If it is true, that M. Stewart got heated and showed her disdain about that host’s comment, she should check herself. like, thats not cool. that host has a job and M Stewart is known for being bold and savage. and not in a cool way, like savage to the point that her own daughter talked about how M Stewart cant take someone looking at her sideways and if they do, M Stewart shows her vindictiveness and takes them down. ruthless. whatevs, thats the news, girl got fired for the “fake it til you make it” comment bc M Stewart gave so much grief after they got of air that day.
I love watching shawn! She is funny and witty and knows the product she is presenting. I’ve missed her lately and hope she and her family are doing well. Had anyone heard why she hasn’t been on recently?
I love watching Shawn. Where is she?
I can’t even watch Jen Coffey. I have to turn the station. Shawn is annoying to. She thinks she is so beautiful. She was much cuter with short hair. Lately, even Jane annoys me. She talks continuously over people & I’m so sick & tired of hearing about her being a dancer & her daughter to. I love Antonella, but she needs to go back to her brown hair. The blond hair is not flattering on her. I guess what I am saying is, the hosts on hsn are much better & yes, Lisa Robertson was the best!
Must be nice to be perfect!!
Seriously, Lady, so much hate!!??
True about Jane. The constant bragging about her dancing and daughters in shows. Worse host for me is Kirsten linguist. Conceited, exposes her body every chance she gets.
I absolutely love watching Shawn & miss seeing her on Qvc!!!
Please bring her back soon!!!! She brings so much joy to the program. In her presentations, it’s not all technical but she brings life to the programming.
She’s AMAZING!!!!
I LOVE Shawn. Shes very entertaining. Sometimes I watch her and Issac just to get a laugh! Lighten up people. QVC is not meant to be a serious program.Selling items we dont need just want. BIG QVC FAN.
Hi Janice… how are you…. funny meet you on QVC remarks…. ❤️Maureen …
Totally love and adore Shawnee Sue and Isaac!!! The best team.
I miss Shawn. She’s real, she funny, cute, great personality and not plastic. I love her style and wish I could step out in a pair of highheels like she can. She’s loves her family and she love the Lord. I wish she was back on during the mid-day shows like back in the day. Stop saying negative things about her. Her eye glasses are cute And she only needs them for reading so like me they come off my face a lot and sit on top of my head.
I agree that Amy can be very offensive at times. Shawn is always humble, entertaining and extremely bright!
I too am missing Shawn. Love her sense of style. She is the host who first attracted me to QVC. Please release a statement regarding Shawn’s status with the network. Hope all is well with her and her family.
Shawn’s at home taking care of her ailing Father. She’s self-isolating so she doesn’t do anything to jeopardize his health.
Sorry ? to hear about shawn’s Challenging times. Certainly wish her and her family
The best outcomes. I miss her and enjoy watching her. Her sense of style is refreshing .
Although we all have a preference. She is
Highly professional and extremely attractive.
Blessings to her.
wish she would just get contacts. Very annoying her readers on and off.and come on you’re not Isaac. She’s his Shawnee…..ugh
The comment you posted is one of the coolest comments ive read on here. I totally agree w you, like, its just real simple. Hope girl is well. anyway, just think its cool how real your comment is and , to your point, we all have different preferences . but girl’s a cool chick. as a caregiver myself (is this TMI? I get this isnt about me, just adding on), so yeah as a caregiver myself, it actually is super awesome that youre making a point of one’s challenging times. I just feel you on that. anyway- agreed. your post is very well put.
Shawn is my absolute favorite I watch QVC almost only for her!! I think she’s pretty great,
No, her father passed away.
I enjoy watching Shawn and miss her. Wish her and her family well and am looking forward to her return. To QVC, please take her name off the TV listings if you know she’s not going to be there. Thanks
You people are Such haters. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Shawn is TALENTED, bright and gifted. Do you think it’s easy to be a TV PERSONALITY? Try it sometime, that’s if you got hired . You criticize as if you had anything worthwhile to say. I THINK YOU’RE WEAK BULLIES. I admire the courage and self confidence it takes to be a show host. Jealous. Miss you Shawn. I hope you’re dad gets better soon.
Hope to see you Soon. Bonnie
Her father passed away. She was off the air for so long because she personally took care of her dad during his last months.
I love all the hosts. I like Courtney very much. Shawn,Jane, David, Alberti also. Some times anyone can get on your nerves. But not always. And some people’s traits may annoy. But not enough to not watch or complain. It’s fun watching. When they talk about the home life you kinda feel like you know them. Not really. But you want to watch them. They do a great job of selling. It’s their job. It looks like fun to do .
doesn’t it, tho! it really does look like its probably fun to have a job like that!!!
I am so happy Shawn is gone. She is so annoying. It was a long time before I noticed she was gone cause I cannot stand her. I hope she is gone for good. Best thing for the Q to dump het.
I firmly believe but you could put your time to better use then criticizing people if you don’t like them change the channel but to say hurtful things like that is totally totally uncalled for with all of the craziness going on in our world today maybe you could just find it in your hearts to say positive things about people
Shawn means well, but she drives me nutts with her body gyrations. Like she maybe needs to use the ladies room? Stand still! And Amy S., is so Valley Girl, High school highly, effervescent, and silly, she drives me nutts. She laughs at her own comments which shows the fact she nervous and insecure. She is so nerve racking!
Can’t stand Courtney. God she is so annoying.
I really enjoy watching qvc anytime Shawn is on. I love her repore with Isaac. They are at there best when they are together. I love when they make up scenarios. They are so real when they are together. Isaac even recently said how much he missed her, which was so sweet. I hope she and her family are doing better . I miss her and hope she can return soon. By the way, I also enjoy watching Amy and Jane. I think Jane is at her best when she’s selling shoes. I liked when she shared that her father was a shoemaker. When hosts talk about their family it makes them seem more real and it personalizes them. For all those who wrote such negative comments about this, why don’t you just shop the website and you won’t be so annoyed.
whaaat…thats cool I didnt know that her dad was a shoemaker. I dont watch the fashion stuff on qvc, so im not very familiar w the fashion hosts. but I know who yall all are talking about w Shawn and Isaac. thats super awesome, tho , that she shared that her dad was a shoemaker. I never knew that.
Can someone please tell Isaac to stop saying “like” constantly. It is so annoying I can’t listen to him. I love Susan Graver’s clothing but she seriously needs to stop talking. It’s maddening watching her suck all of the air out of the room. I have to hit mute when she is on! Arghhh!
I agree 100% with everything, especially Susan Graver talking so much!! Ugh!
I agree Susan Graver talks too much and constantly interrupting the hosts. I guess they don’t hear themselves talking only care about selling lots of clothes.
Totally agree with the Susan Graver remark. I would love to see the clothes she’s selling, but she over talks the host. I can’t hear either one. So I turn the channel. Very annoying.
Good grief give Shawn a break! If you don’t like her there is a button on your remote to change channel. But for goodness sake STOP saying ugly things about her especially whn the lady is going through things with her dad’s health. Shawn, I’m praying for you & your family AND all the stinkers that say mean things re you.
Shawn is by far my favorite. Like her short hair best. Good for her taking care of her parents! I am very glad she is back.
I agree! Give it a rest!
I am sickened by the judging that is going on about the hosts of QVC! It’s not your place to try and shame these people. If you don’t like them, don’t watch. You don’t have to verbalize everything that runs through your mind! If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all! They are doing their jobs!!!
The truth is the truth and I Assure you 90% of customers hate that idiot Sean shames they are told exactly what they are at idle here or you anyone says Sean is a Gross disgusting pajama wearing nut job lying host gone of days of when we had Lisa Robertson. Shinies to go
why are you on this website if you dont want to read gossip about qvc hosts? stop being outrageous. youre telling on yourself, girl.
Amen!! …very well said Sandi you go girl!!! And Shawn keep up the good work never listen to this very jeoules people!!! God Bless you and your family.
I totally agree! We should not pass such harsh judgements on people we really don’t know. Everyone is trying to survive something!!I really enjoy all of the hosts! They all bring something different!
I will always love David because of all the heart he brings to the show.🙏🌷
They all come with goodness🙏💗🌷
I just love Mary Beth she is so sweet and represents,”Minnesota Nice” very well. The other person I really enjoy watching is David, he is such a kind person and down to earth. Lots of fun.
I have watched QVC for over 10 years. I live alone and QVC seems kind of like my family. So many of the hosts have left. Lisa Robertson was the best and she is doing very well on her own now. She is a mover and a shaker, talented, and looked so good in QVC clothes she would wear while she was presenting. I love Courtney. Love Shawn. Things never stay the same and I feel a little sad that QVC has changed so much, a lot of hosts are gone, but the quality of their products are very good. Love Susan Graver clothes. Lori Goldstein is not my favorite and she does take over but darned if she didn’t finally get to me and persuade me to buy her clothes that mixed patterns and colors.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! im only laughing bc your comment is on point, girl! “darned if she didnt persuade me to buy her clothes.” (says every girl, ever!!!) Diane, I feel you, its shopping….I got you, girl. chocolate, a glass of wine, and clothes shopping. thats my jam haha 🙂 xo
I like Shawn a lot she is so fashion smart and the fact that she took care of her ill father who passed a way speaks what a loving person that she is for all of us that have lost our parents u know how that hurts she is a giving person and shame on all of u that have so much hate n your hearts that is what’s so wrong n this world how would haters like it if someone says that about u r someone u care for be kind to others
The worst night to watch QVC is when Amy strand has on logo on Monday nights from 5:00 to 7:00 logo has the worst looking clothes on QVC that 2 hours is awful I change it I don’t even watch it anymore
I detest a fake person and I Detest Shawn partykillenger her are so blant I have no idea why QVC even employs this obvious idiot Her Gargantuanl ways of lying is terrible her lies so terrible epecially when she forgets the lies at 1 point she mentions a product she could not live without and then she mentioned about a diamondnique ring with white and black stones that she personally use when she got married on to find out that story was one of a greatest life stories ever told . And I only remember it because I do have the ring. Why is QVC keeping this lying ignorant idiot ? I change channel when I see her on I go elsewhere. She talks down to the Guest..and she always looks bored. When she is interacting with other hosts I notice that she does Not listen to them Or bother responding to a question they ask. Cimb must have QVC Black mailed. Why is the skank allowed to wear pyjamas out all her shows? When she is on it is a watching a re run of Barnum and Bailey circus.. She can have more degrees than thermometer but The only degree is I think she’s better than anyone as she doesn’t Should definitely has a got phD And. being a 100% worthless bitch. Chivas have something super serious that can block UV C into smithereens I have never seen a Host acting so inaproperly. I can’t stand ugly face and I truly hate how fake trying to be happy character it’s old and some one make her put on clothing they should offer Lisa Robertson millions to come back and knock that bitch off the pedestal. I remember she once told a model i Don’t bother to remember your name Will we are just here To sell whatever you Are Wearing. I stopped watching or buying from QVC ever again I Can not deal with a rancid bitch
You are an ugly and disgusting human being. I pity your relatives and hope you don’t have children to teach this ugliness to. Plus you have a total inability to spell and speak correctly. Go away.
Billie, you must be a miserable person to be so hateful to someone you don’t even know. Yes, there are some hosts I like better than others but there is no need to be so nasty, especially calling her a skank? In her personal life she does many good things, probably more so than you. In these troubling times remember, if you can be anything, be kind.
I love Shawn. She is a doll. Beautiful. Enchanting. Interesting. I love her hair the way she has it now. Especially when she takes it from the front, middle, pulls it somewhat back & secures it with a clip or whatever she does. I love that she wears her glasses. She seems to have different colors. ( Wearing them low her nose is cute. My favorite! Glasses on! ) If she takes them on & off, puts them aside etc. It’s her business & part of her charm. I love that she puts on the hats while in pajamas. I think she is confident not conceited. When I see that she is coming on I feel happy. I have been really blue, really,blue. Health concerns etc. The first time I turned on Q.V.C. She lifted my spirits with the way she is. I do gone on don’t I. Everyone has an opinion but to hate so intensely is better kept to oneself. Could it be that these people are envious of Shawn’s M.O.? Wish they could be like her?
You might not see this Shawn but thank you if do!
The “ladies” of the “Q” do a grave disservice to
the products they are desperately trying to sell by
showing off their jewelry. If I were selling something
on that channel, I would demand the hostess’s
remove their “hardware” before presenting my
product. And Shawn, your hair looks the worst it’s
ever looked. You can’t possibly believe whatever
you’re using on your hair is beneficial. STOP USING
I love watching Shawn🍀I hope it’s a rumor that she was fired
I like Shawn too she does a good job
I enjoy watching her
[email protected]
I wasn’t crazy about Shawn in the beginning and as I continued to watch Shawn is actually pretty cool, very self assured, funny, and has her own style. Shawn knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin and it shows.
Girl do you Shawn.
Shawn is my favorite host. I’ve liked her since day one. I really do think she looked younger and cuter with her hair short. I loved it. Her hair isn’t nearly as pretty long. I love her fun personality and the way she describes the products. You go Shawn! You’re the BEST!
Shawn is my favorite host. Anyone wearing reading glasses knows we are always looking over the top of our glasses..i love Shawn and Courtney save Christmas. Wow there are some mean people on here.
Shawn is horrific! I rarely watch QVC, but remember when she was selling Bose sound systems…she looks at the Bose representative and says, “This sounds great and I don’t even like music.” Who doesn’t like music??? And the wacky hats and poor vocabulary, ewwwwwwww just awful.
Oh my gosh you guys. I only care about the stuff being sold. I don’t have a lot of money but like nice things so I buy them from QVC. Thank you for this channel.
Love Shawn, love when she is on with Isaac and they ramble about things, and remember what mom said if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything.
Enjoy all the hosts, miss those that are gone I’m a loyal viewer
I think shawn looks much better with short hair