Ben Shapiro wife, Mor Shapiro’s Wiki: Net Worth, Ethnicity, Family, Height, Wedding, Education
• Mor Shapiro is an MD and family physician at the Department of Family Medicine, University of California and the Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center.
• She enjoys singing, arts and crafts, drawing, TV series and musicals.
• She and Ben Shapiro have two children, Leeya Eliana and a son whose name is unknown.
• Mor has a BSc in psychobiology and is passionate about bioethics, having founded the DGSOM UCLA Ethics Symposium.
• Her net worth is estimated to be around $1 million.
Who is Mor Shapiro?
Mor Shapiro (nee Toledano) was born in Haifa, Israel in 1988, and is of Moroccan descent with both her parents being Moroccan emigrants although their ancestral roots are in Israel. The family moved to Sacramento, California, USA when she was 12 years old. In 2008 she married Ben Shapiro (Benjamin Aaron Shapiro) who is a renowned American author, political commentator, columnist, radio talk show host and lawyer, and it was only then that people got to know of her. Mor Shapiro is an MD and is passionate about studying medicine on an ongoing basis. She currently works as a family physician at the Department of Family Medicine, University of California and the Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center. Unlike her husband, who is very much in the public eye, Mor prefers to keep her life private.
What Mor Shapiro does when she has some time out
Mor surely has her hands full with her work responsibilities and studies, but whenever she has some time to relax, she mostly likes to spend it with her husband and children who, she claims, are her pride and joy and inspire her. It’s been reported that she enjoys singing, and even though she was part of an a capella group at her medical school, she feels she can’t sing very well, Mor also enjoys being creative, and loves arts and crafts and drawing. She has been known to splurge out on TV series like “Game of Thrones” and “Friends”, and delights in musicals such as “Wicked” and “Pippin”.
The Shapiros’ wedding
While Mor and Ben Shapiro were young, they dated for a good few years before their engagement in 2007. A year later, on 8 July 2008 when she was 20 and he 24, they married in a traditional Jewish-style wedding in Acre, Israel. One of the better-known customs at the end of the ceremony, after the wedding vows, is when the rabbi requests the bridegroom to place a wine glass wrapped in a cloth or bag under his right foot which he then stands on and breaks. There are a variety of explanations for this act, but most popularly understood is that it symbolizes the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, and that we should not forget how fragile life is and how short a time we have on this earth. Thereafter everyone shouts ‘Mazel Tov’ (congratulations).
The wedding was low-key with close family and friends as guests, and there was very little publicity surrounding the event, except that Ben reported that his bride looked stunning, and that his father wrote and performed an emotionally moving song for their wedding.
What of Mor’s children and family?
Ben and Mor’s daughter, Leeya Eliana was born in 2014 after an almost 26-hour labor. After the baby was born, Ben was so overjoyed, he welcomed her in an open letter he wrote headed “Letter to my Newborn Daughter” which he posted on the internet. He also praised his wife for her fortitude during her long labor, saying that she had endured it heroically. He explained that his daughter’s name, Leeya means “I belong to God” in Hebrew, which is about her relationship with God, and her middle name is about how thankful they were for her. However, Leeya Shapiro had been born with a congenital heart defect known as atrial septal defect (ASD). In 2016 she underwent an operation, which successfully rectified this condition.
On 8 May, 2016 (which was in fact Mother’s Day) Ben posted on Twitter that their son had been born that morning. However, nothing further was posted so the child’s name remains unknown and there is no further info about him. Just after Ben and Mor’s 10th wedding anniversary, Ben published a letter entitled “10 Lessons in 10 Years – What Marriage has Taught me” in which he stated “Thank God, our marriage is better than ever”. He has on occasion tweeted his admiration for his wife, once praising her intelligence and brain, which he said will make her hot and attractive forever. The family practice Orthodox Judaism, and currently live in Los Angeles, California.
How Mor Shapiro forged her career
Mor Shapiro has displayed a dedication to her work and studies. As a child, she attended a school in Hod Hasharon, Israel, and later the Sha’arei Mishpat College before moving to the USA. In 2005 Mor studied as an undergraduate at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) where she majored in psychobiology, and then at the David Geffen School of Medicine, which is based at UCLA and from where she got her BS degree. Following on she completed two years of developmental neuroscience research at UCLA.
Mor claims she loved studying neuroscience (also known as psychobiology) as it investigates how the mind, body and brain work together, and this science looks at how our biological make-up affects our social human behavior. Mor used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study how adversity in a child’s early years affects their brain development. In a nutshell, fMRI measures blood flow within brain activity, how the brain works, and abnormalities which cannot be found with other imaging techniques, and the effects of external stimuli and strokes etc. on the brain.
While at medical school, Mor worked as a clinical skills instructor and developed a passion for bioethics. This is the study of ethical concerns arising as a result of the advancement of modern biology and medicine, incorporating medical practice and policies and other ethical questions relating to life sciences, primary care and medicine. Her passion for this subject led her to found the DGSOM UCLA Ethics Symposium, which has become an annual event.
Mor Shapiro’s financial status
As mentioned, Mor’s husband, Ben Shapiro is a multi-talented writer/speaker/lawyer. He is editor-in-chief of “The Daily Wire” and hosts “The Ben Shapiro Show,” reputed to be the top conservative podcast in the USA. He was the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the US at the age of 17, and ever since then his columns have been widely published. His first out of currently five books, “Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth” was published when he was 20. He also runs his own law firm – Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting.
Ben Shapiro’s net worth is estimated to be in the region of $4.5 million. Apart from speculations that Mor has access to her husband’s wealth and that she earns a fair amount as a physician, there is an estimation by authoritative sources that Mor’s net worth is close to $1 million, earned from her varied work in medicine.
Do we know anything more about Mor Shapiro?
There is not much else known about this hazel-eyed, dark brown haired academic and devoted wife and mother. Most of what is known about her is through her husband, Ben’s posts. She has been published in health and resident magazines with the focus on her professional expertise, and without revealing anything of a personal nature. Mor is on Facebook, but keeps her profile private. From the little we know about her, it appears that her relationships with her family, colleagues and friends are most important to her, and she demonstrates a strong sense of community and personal values.